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Grup band yang alat Musik Yg Terbuat Dari Sayuran...

Assalamualaikum Wr.WB
smoga slalu diberi kelancaran dalam menjalani hidup, amin

ane cuma mau share nih , musisi yg unik yg saking musikalitasnya tinggi, sampe buah pun bisa dijadiin alat musik, gmana caranya tu ya

yaudah lgsung aja deh diliat pas para musisi ini memainkan alat musiknya

encek entis embrot, cekijroot

Sekilas Tentang The Vegetables Orchestra:
Worldwide one of a kind, the Vegetable Orchestra performs on instruments made of fresh vegetables. The utilization of various ever refined vegetable instruments creates a musically and aesthetically unique sound universe.

The Vegetable Orchestra was founded in 1998. Based in Vienna, the Vegetable Orchestra plays concerts in all over the world.

There are no musical boundaries for the Vegetable Orchestra. The most diverse music styles fuse here - contemporary music, beat-oriented House tracks, experimental Electronic, Free Jazz, Noise, Dub, Clicks'n'Cuts - the musical scope of the ensemble expands consistently, and recently developed vegetable instruments and their inherent sounds often determine the direction.

 The Vegetables Orchestra:

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Grup band yang alat Musik Yg Terbuat Dari Sayuran... Reviewed by x on Sunday, February 09, 2014 Rating: 5
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